Friday, 28 August 2015


Yes! There is more than enough room for ALL who would receive the free gift of God. There is yet left a room for you too at the Cross. The truth is, there has always been, and will always be more than enough room for as many as would receive Christ. John 1:12 says, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."
GRACE INN is never out of rooms! Just call on the name Jesus and you and your house will be saved. Make a decision today, and now, to come to the Cross of Jesus. There is salvation there for you. There is rest for your toil; faith for your fears, and forgiveness for your sins.
John saw in Revelation Chapter 7:9, "… a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb." ALL people are accepted at the Cross. Jesus died for ALL, including YOU. Receive Him today for a room at the Cross. There is yet enough room at the Cross.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

A New Life in Christ

When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Through Christ, nonetheless, we can trade judgment for forgiveness. He offers us the opportunity to be born into His spiritual family―the family line that begins with forgiveness and leads to eternal life.
In Christ we have a life full of grace so amazing. The once ruined and sinful people, condemned to death by the Law are now rescued, made righteous and offered an eternal life by grace.
There is a new life in Christ for everyone. By accepting Christ we are sanctified and justified, and set free from sin’s control.
Master Jesus loves you. I love you.

What If

What if at Heaven’s gate the question is are you redeemed?
What if at Heaven’s gate the question is are you saved?
What if at Heaven’s gate the question is are you Blood washed?
Will my answer be YES?
What if at the Throne the question is did you make disciples?
What if at the Throne the question is did you love your neighbor?
What if at the Throne the question is did you give tithe?
Will my answer be YES?
What if I saw Gabriel, Michael will I get a welcome in here?
What if I saw Paul will I hear you have fought a good fight of faith?
What if I saw Jesus will I hear thou good and faithful servant?
Will my response be a bold thank you?

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Lord, Forgive Me or I Die!

Is this your cry and prayer today? Good news is, you are not alone. This is exactly my cry this morning! Many more souls than you could ever imagine, cry out loud every blessed second of the clock to God saying: “Lord, forgive me or I die!”
Lord, I’m ashamed because my life doesn’t match your standards. I’m filled with a burden of guilt because I have disappointed You. I can only imagine my punishment should You hold my sins against me. Please be merciful to me, and punish me not in Your wrath. Lord, forgive me or I die! Amen.
My dearest friend, have you been there, or currently here, when all you can ever pray is the prayer I just prayed above? If YES, then you must see this.
1. We NEED God’s forgiveness for our sins, lest we die! No one can stand God’s wrath.
2. Good news is that God who is our heavenly Father is NOT surprise at all that you sinned today. He knew you would before you ever did. That’s why He will take you back if you will cry out, Lord, forgive me or I die.
3. More amazing is the fact that God’s own son, JESUS, became the scapegoat that carried our sins on Calvary. Not only that, but today, this very minute, JESUS is INTERCEDING on your behalf in Heaven.
4. Our forgiveness is CERTAIN if we shall confess our sins. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
5. God will CLEANSE us from ALL (not SOME) unrighteousness through the BLOOD of Christ.

I therefore encourage you to cry out loud right NOW, Lord, Forgive Me or I Die!

He Sees Each Tear That Falls

“I have a Maker, He calls me His own...” I love that song. And my heart is lost in the present PEACE and COMFORT, when the line, “He Sees Each Tear That Falls” of this beautiful song is sang. Hallelujah! To know the God of Heaven sees EACH tear that ever runs down my cheek is soothing to my soul.
The Songwriter wouldn’t miss the right wording. He writes, “Before even time begun, my life was in His Hands.” Your life is secured in His hands. What’s making you weep, my dear friend? Do not think the Lord hasn’t seen your tears. Don’t curse Him in your darkest times. For your weeping may endure for a night, but your joy would come in the day. Our God is a very present help in trouble; never last to our rescue.
My dearest friend in the Lord, today, with each tear that falls, remember the LORD SEES.